
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Happy Birthday, Malaysia

happy birthday? to a country? beautiful home country, Malaysia will become a year older today.

it is the day which Malaysians, all over the country, will come together, united as one, celebrating the Independence Day of Malaysia from the British empire 57 years ago.

historically, Malaysia had been under the ruling of several empires over the centuries. it was first invaded by the Portuguese armies in the mission of Gold, Glory and Gospel. later, the Dutch took over for awhile before handed it over to the British until the occupation of the Japanese armies. after The Land of Rising Sun fell off during the World War 2, British took it back until several discussions and diplomatic negotiations were held, Malaysia finally be able to be administered and governed by her own multiracial people.

so that's it about the brief history of Malaysia (pardon me if there are some wrong facts, i am not so good in History after all).

actually, that is not my purpose of posting this blog. i want to write about how i feel about this historical day and how i see it in my society. so here it is.

Merdeka (or in English, Independence), is an abstract word that has its own meaning subjectively judged by people who see it. according to, independence means freedom from outside control or in the context of a nation, the time when a country gains political freedom from outside control.

in my point of view, independence means the liberation of ones' internal behavioral attitudes towards something that sparks their interest capacity to produce outputs that they anticipated without being restricted by authoritative figures, or in other words, it is when people are happy and free to do what they want to do.

from my own definition above, i can see many things happen encircling me quite resemble as what the definition tells, or maybe even much worse. especially among the teenagers who always act without proper conscience of the consequences that might be produced from their misconducts.

this is the truth that is too bitter even for me to swallow. from my own experience, i suffered enough. it is a pain the ass when you realize that the wrong things that you did in the past will haunt you back in the present, or even future. i once did something real bad that is too explicit to share with all of you so lets it buried in the dark alley of my mind.

every year, i feel nothing about this historical event, patriotically. i do feel indebted towards those warriors who fought till their last breath defending this beautiful nation from the colonization of the imperialists. and i am also feel grateful to live in the country where peace is a national treasure that can be shared among its people from all walks of life. however, those feelings are just like a thankful reminder to someone who gives you a birthday present. it is not long-lasting. one day you feel it, and one you don't.

nonetheless, as i grow up and become mature enough to think, i always let myself to ponder the integral part of living in this country, of what should i contribute for the development of my homeland toward becoming a strong nation in this ever-changing world. i know that i should give something in return for the plethora of opportunities given to me but it is still nebulous to me of what that particular "something".

i hope, in searching for that "something", Malaysia will ever stand on the pillars of its people that are united as one big happy family and together overcoming challenges that may come.

i love you, Malaysia. and SELAMAT HARI MERDEKA !!!


so, adios azizos.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Blogging Challenge

to commemorate my first encounter of the blogging world, i would like to announce a challenge to myself,
"A Blog A Day"

so, that is my plan. i want to write anything about what happen in my life every single in the month of September. i will try to fill every day of the month with some memorable events that would be interesting enough to write in my blog and share them with you.

the challenge will be started on the first day of September which means it will be started this Monday (oh damn, hopefully not a Monday Blues).

the purposes of this challenge:
(i) as mentioned above, to celebrate my brave confrontation with the blogging life (quite a hyperbole, yeah i know) can blogging be celebrated???
(ii) to share my intimate experience every single day of my life in the beautiful Fall month of September (is it beautiful??)
(iii) to encourage myself to write everyday to improve my writing skills
(iv) to motivate myself to be productive everyday in my life (at least for a month)
(v) to spend more time doing this new hobby
(vi) to produce more blog posts?? hahaa

basically those are my purposes. hopefully i can do this challenge successfully. well, i kinda looking forward for this challenge.

A blog a day keep my shits away (lol)

so, adios azizos

Project Turns Nowhere

it's been so long since i haven't been writing.

let me tell you one story of mine.

one other reason i created this blog is to write any research i've made. actually i made kinda promise, not really a promise, but thing like that i supposed, with my old buddy, we label ourselves as WikiBuddy.

we supposed to find any interesting facts or discoveries or anything and share with each other. however, up til now, i made no progress, well, we made no progress. i don't know, sometimes i feel like, okay, today i gonna find one article, but later, naahhh.

but neither she is. so we are just the same in the end. but still i'm looking forward for that. hope that we can expand our circle. the more the merrier isn't it? plus, more articles can be shared. anyone interested?

i actually kinda like this project, i mean it is good to gain more knowledge and stuff like that, we can be familiar with university research although it is far beyond that point.

i have this kind of thing inside me. most of the times i would have a really great plan to do, but when it comes to make it into reality, something in mind blocks it. hahahaaa...pretty sure many of us have this kind of thing too inside our heads.

plus, i always, have no idea every single time to do something. i always lost my focus and my always going somewhere else. quite a daydreamer, i am huh? yeah that's the thing, daydreaming makes myself really strong at planning things, but really weak at realizing it. that's why this project turns out to nowhere.

so, adios azizos

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Interchange Conundrum

i am a sponsored student. so my parent doesn't have to worry much about my tuition fees or anything because from my tuition fees to textbooks costs and even to my living allowance, they come as a complete package; a scholarship. it is really worth. my mother would only give me additional money, in case i spent over my budget (which is always..). but, of course, i need to follow my sponsor's orders, which are really troublesome to conform to, sometimes.

this is the case that i want to tell you.

before enrolling to my current college, i got an offer from my sponsor to pursue my study in A-Level but my placement (which is the country that i need to go to pursue my Bachelor's degree) is the United States of America instead of the United Kingdom, the origin of the A-Level, but with full excitement and anticipation, i agreed to the contract and accepted the offer. (of course i would accept since it is (i) full scholarship which means my parent doesn't have to pay anything, and (ii) going abroad for my tertiary education is my childhood dream)

and so i went to the college and study Economics (as it will be my major when i go to the university). i have never learned (or read) anything about Economics and i don't even know why i choose this course since it is very new to me and my achievement in my Science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology though i hate Biology) is not that bad either....i scored an A for Physics and A-'s for Chemistry and Biology in SPM though. (SPM is Malaysian's version of O-Level in UK).

after one year (or more) of study in my A-Level program, i got a news from my sponsor that i need to change my program to American Credit Transfer Program (ACTP). well, it has pros and cons.

(i) i can get to know the American education system which is really different with British system
(ii) i will get familiar with American system that emphasizes more on coursework rather than examination
(iii) i will be going to America, so gaining friends while in Malaysia before going abroad is gonna be a good kick-start for me
(iv) i hate doing A-Level actually (i failed to pass the cut-off point for my Semester 2 End-of_Semester examination)
(v) i love doing assignments than having to study really hard for examination
(vi) i am really good at making bond with teachers and the foundation to success in ACTP is making a good connection and bond with your teachers, so i am at the advantage

(i) i have wasted one year of my live doing A-Level without getting any accreditation (at least if i take the AS Level exam before, i have the proof that i was once studying A-Level)
(ii) i have used RM300 to pay for resitting the papers that i didn't pass in Semester 2 (well it kinda my fault for not studying real hard but i will only be okay if i continue studying in A-Level, not just lost like that)
(iii) i gained so many friends and some of them are now my best friends (not that i will lose them in fact getting much more, but we will be in different again...i have to change my class because of my placement and now this??
(iv) most A-Level students are lazybones as they only study at last minutes time including me..hehehehe
this interchange conundrum is driving me mad as changing from one program to another is gonna be a real mess as i need to adapt to a whole new different system and i am not really good in this. but all in all, i know that He plans the best for me and i will just embracing the turbulent/exciting fate. He knows the best. He knows the best. He knows the best.

and i hope i can be the best.

so, adios azizos.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Jogging Aftermath this is the continuation of the previous post.

back in the house, I planned to get shower soon after Adam and Hazmi done showering so that i would have some time to relax a bit. at that very moment i started to feel sore and pain and agony and everything as the muscles cramped (perhaps shocked by what i have done that day?). plus, with the sleepiness that kept bothering me ever since before i started to go down for the jog. everything mixed up together producing great unpleasant feeling.

the next morning, i was in extreme agony as even to get up from bed was really bothersome. i could barely stand up as my feet were in so much pain but still i have to be strong because i had to perform Subuh prayer and go to the class. contradicted with Hazmi, he didn't feel any pain or soreness that i concluded that i am too weak even to jog. that quite saddened me but i embraced the feeling wholeheartedly. to think about it, maybe because that was my first time went for jogging and so i felt a little bit alright with that haha...

that evening, i decided to go for a jog again....i didn't know why but i felt so excited in this healthy kind of thing. even though i had to deal with my pain and soreness after the jogging but i think i can cope with that.

and so, i decided to go for jogging at least thrice a week even i have to do it alone. i think i am okay with the agony and pain because i think that is part of the challenge.

i think you too should be doing any kind of healthy activities like me, i'm doing jogging towards a healthy lifestyle. let's live healthy and stay positive.

so adios azizos.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

First Jogging Experience

yeah.. i have never - EVER - going out for a jog even though i was from a boarding school (you know the stuff...people go out and play during the evening right after class but i didn't)..

actually i do have the intention to go out for a jog in this new semester, but i feel a little doubt on myself as going for a jog - ALONE - like a total loner (yeah, i'm a bit paranoid) is an utter hindrance for me to continue my pure intention *blergh* ..

yesterday, Hazmi, out of blue asked me to jog with him since he wanted to exercise up, run a little bit for his upcoming run (bear in mind, he is not a jock or an athlete or anyone who like to run whatsoever..he is so like me). so, of course, i said yes. and then we went out for a 5-round jog (of course, jog and walk and jog and walk and jog).

let the story begins chronologically:

Maisarah wanted to jog, just for exercising purpose as she felt she has to lose weight or whatever. so she asked Les Putains members for anyone who want to join her and Hazmi (with his plan in mind) asked me to go with him accompanying Maisarah. so i said yes and to my dismay, Adam wanted to join too knowing that he is a bit like me too. well then, it is good since the more the merrier. then, off we went to the recreational park nearby Cemara.

wow, i saw so many eye candies *snap*. yeah, ignore that. at first, i was so shy people would see me jogging for life as i didn't want them to recognize me as the one who runs (oh so paranoid i am), but i shut it off and overcame the building embarrassment and just jog with my friends. and so i jogged after a brief warming up. holy cow, only just for a 100 meters  or so, i started to feel tired (how embarrass i am even to write this) but with full motivation towards a healthy lifestyle (though my primary agenda is to flatten my fat-like-an-old-man's belly) i kept jogging and jogging. after one round of jogging, Hazmi, to my relief, wanted to take a break (see i told you he is just like me) and so we walk for another one round before another one round of jogging. and we kept doing that alternately until five rounds completed. forgot to mention, Hazmi and I started the jog together with Adam and Maisarah but after one complete round, they couldn't keep up with our faster pace and so we had to leave them behind (well more to ditch them behind actually).

so we left the park after completed the fifth round with Adam and Maisarah (i didn't know how many round they jogged). Maisarah went back to Akasia and Adam straight away went up to our house but Hazmi and I decided for a little relaxation at a children play park inside Cemara where we opted for the swing. just to feel the chill air while cooling up the sweaty body. so we chatted (more to backbiting actually haha) until we felt sore in the ass and so we sat on the see-saw instead, of course, continue the backbiting. while we were chattering, the Big Ass Sean who was walking to go to his house after enjoying his dinner, joined in when he noticed us, to his amuse. so we kept talking until it was over 7 pm then we decided to go back to the house, along with that Big Ass Sean, and still backbiting.

many more to tell but let's hold it up for a while.. i'll continue this pretty bland story tomorrow...

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Living in Cemara

continuing to survive in the world of uncountable dubious possibilities is what makes a human a human.

(i don't know why i wrote that but is true anyway)

so, living in Cemara so far is quite bearable since i got the chance to pick my own housemates (yayy unlike the last two semesters which i had to live with irritating roommate..oh my God). plus, there is two rooms with two beds (unlike in Cendana there was two rooms; one only for two people and another for three and for God's sake i had to live in that three-people room where my bed was away from reaching that damned fan and so i had to suffer the scorching heat). but for now i live with my own best friends; Hazmi (my Annoying roommate), Adam (the Genius) and Syahmi (my friend since in SMAP Kajang).

we are all know each other; what we like and what we don't. obviously we have mutual understanding with each other. so, i am quite happy with my life for now (and i hope at least until i finish this a-level crap).

since i don't have anything to write, let me start with describing my housemates. so here it goes...

lets start with Hazmi since he is my very own roommate. Hazmi is a type of a boy (or girl or both haha depends on the situation) that is really annoying but caring at the same time, just like me except the caring part haha... he is the one that i would cry to (i cried to him and Adam once before) because he listens for no matter how trivial the thing is. he sleeps a lot (he is a very very very very heavy sleeper i tell you) but that is the way he lives his life and when he doesn't get his good amount of sleep, he'll be in his PMS mode (see i told you that he can be like a girl sometimes)... all and all he is a good friend to befriend with.

moving on to my housemates; lets start with Adam, the Genius. the title goes by, he is a genius and little bit of a freak haha. not that bad freak, just a good one. and i tell you, he is really the good one. one of the persons in the ever recorded history of human civilization (quite a hyperbole but whatever) that is really, really nice. he is the excellent example of genius community (or so...). he is the paragon. i mean, he knows so much be it in Economics (of course, it is his intended major), Mathematics (he is the Calculus freak), Accounting (oh i hate this subject) or Psychology or even Science (i guess...), just to say, he knows a lot but he doesn't keep that in himself. he'd teach anyone who is in trouble and teach them to the core of the problem with a lot of patient. to conclude that, he is so generous with the knowledge he has. it is a lot to say about him but lets just stick to that. 

the last but not least, proceed to Adam's roommate; Syahmi. as i mentioned earlier, he is from the top-notch religious school in Malaysia; SMAP Kajang. and so he is quite a religious type of a person (yeah i know i am an alumnus of SMAP Kajang too and not that that that religious but so what??). he is a very calm person that is mysterious and secretive. he doesn't share a lot (as what Hazmi, Adam and I always do) as he likes to keep in himself but when he does he would burst into tears (if it is too much i think). but he is a good friend to keep (yeah i keep friends ..whatever).

so that's pretty much about my housemates. yeah i know that i'm not that really good at describing people but i hope you get what i mean (it's pretty clear though..duhh).

i think that's all for now.

so adios azizos.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Very First

so this is my first blog post.

i kinda excited in blogging all of the sudden. do not sure what sparks my interest but maybe mainly because of my upcoming TOEFL test, and so i need to improve my writing skills. so here we go; my very first blog post.

i actually don't have any idea what to write on. but yeah, let me start with the title; the story behind 'The Spectacles'.

why it is has to be 'The Spectacles' ? was just because i don't have any idea what the best title to put in. (yeah..once again i'm lacking of idea). but to put it into good words (though not so good), i thought of one solid reason why i chose such a title.

it is mainly because most of the times, i see things, CLEARLY, with my spectacles (yeah..i'm looking like a nerd but a dumb one). i will go blind without my glasses. i know that the dependency to my spectacles is, of course, going to lead me to the worse condition later in life (as power goes up and up and up and up) but what can i do? those glasses help me to live in this menacing life (haha...what a hyperbole).

with those spectacles, i can differentiate what is real and what is not. as i see things blurry, double images without my spectacles on, i could be deceived. same goes to my life, i have to be aware, look thoroughly on everything that comes by, scrutiny to the depth of it before making any decision or else those temptations would eventually destroy my life and succumb me to death.

as definition of life is different in other people's perspectives, i see life as a temporary destination before the eternal one which is the hereafter. therefore, i have to fully utilize all the opportunities i have for the betterment of my future, which in the short run, i have to make a decision wisely and see things clearly with The Spectacles.

i think that's all for now. can't wait to post more and more and more and more.

so adios azizos.