
Monday, September 1, 2014

Challenge - Day 1

so this is the beginning of the Blogging Challenge.

i didn't really do much thing today, yeah stuck in my room for most of the day in Cemara. but it was still quite productive to me since i did much more thing just for this blogging challenge which is so unusual to me to be productive especially on holidays.

surprisingly, i woke up quite early today ( i was planning to have my Sahoor but yeah...). very unusual to me though because i often wake up at 7 in the morning for Subuh prayer (...yeah i know i'm a bad Muslim) but today i woke up at 6.30 (not that early though but still early what... at least for someone like me)

right after the prayer, i stayed up until 11.00. just did some random internet browsing - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, all that kind of stuffs - and i played Pokemon eventually hahaa...

and then i feel asleep. my eyes couldn't stand any longer. pity them. so i slept until i heard the call for Zohor prayer (yeah, nowadays my alarm is the azan). sleepily, i got up from my bed and head for the pantry and do some dishwashing. it was so messy in the sink and i not that kind of person who can tolerate messiness.

right after that, i showered and prayed for Zohor prayer that was past an hour ago (i tried to improve this behavior but it still went on and on but i will still trying). and then, to my regret, i played Pokemon for the second time *sigh*

until Syahmi came back to Cemara from Malacca that evening, i was still playing and i kept playing it until 7 pm that we went for nearby Pasar Malam (night market) to buy something for our dinner (in my case for my break fast). i grabbed a Cendol filled with stuff that should be put for ABC but yeah whatever, i basically eat everything.

oh yeah, i forgot to mention for my frustration of doing laundry. it is really suck when you found out that you don't have enough coins for the washing machine and the dryer. so i scavenged the entire house for coins that might be hidden somewhere but to no avail. so i asked my friends through WhatsApp but i got negative responses. so then i asked Syahmi after his arrival and alhamdulillah he got some thogh still not enough. after some transactions at the Pasar Malam, finally i have enough coins for the dryer that cost me RM4.00. but i was worth it because i'm not that diligent enough to dry my clothes under the scorching sun.

but then, Arni offered me some of her coins (i was like, after i did all the trouble for that damn coins???). well, i still received her offer and exchange the coins with two Ringgit notes.

later, i had a meeting for iCEF. well, i am in charge for academic booth inside the Great Hall of INTEC Education College (my college) so i went for the meeting nonchalantly. it was a lengthy discussion as there are so many problems arose that dragged me until 11 pm.

that is why i couldn't write before the time. i am so sorry for myself and all of you.

those were what i did on the first day of beautiful September. stay with me for more to come.

so, adios azizos.

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