
Monday, September 8, 2014

Challenge - Day 8

so today is the day which i officially leaving A-Level and joining ACTP program. or so to say, i am now a degree student. starting from tomorrow, i'll be starting my freshman year at INTEC Education College. it was so overwhelming and confounding at the same time. i am afraid i will be having a cultural shock(??) changing from exam-oriented A-Level program to continuously learned and assessed ACTP program.

the meeting was fine. alhamdulillah, the lecturers were very welcoming. we had a warm welcome from them especially from the Head of Program herself. i thought she was like a lioness, looking so wild hunting for prey. but it was so not true. she is very entertaining as a person and i could see she is serious when it comes to work. after this, i will be meeting her a lot more often. with this changed mind-set, sure it is a "NO PROBLEM".

i am really glad to know that i will be a lot more closer to Miss Asma after this. i don't even know why i really like her. she got a bitchy style and friendly. i think that is why i like her. and generally, i like those bitchy characters. i find it funny and amusing being around with people like this.

so, tomorrow will be my first class as an ACTP student. people say lots of things about this program i'll be in but it's me who gonna face, so i'm gonna face it strong. act like i don't care, because i really don't care - credit to Demi Lovato, Really Don't Care (i like her so much).

and to my dismay, tomorrow too, there will be my first ever test as an ACTP student (can you imagine having a test in your first class???) ..hahaa it was actually a continuation class from my A-Level class but still, i need time to adjust myself what. i don't really mind with the test actually. pretty sure i gonna succeed. well, at least i need this confident. LOL.

guess i should go studying now as i haven't touched anything since like forever(?). i was having a post mortem meeting regarding the i-CEF thing. and i need to submit a short report before this Wednesday at 10 pm. *blergh* going into different program or not, work is still there awaiting me.

so, adios azizos.


  1. Congtatulations on ur first degree Ziz..!!! ^^


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